This article is wroten according to a youtube video:
We use Idea programming everyday. How can we use it effectively, now let’s reading it below:
Close the tab list of IDE
Preferences → Editor → Editor Tabs; Change Tab Placement from default Top to None.
Tab is annoying when many files are opened. It’s hard to find file when opening to many files, which it’s inevitable. Use recent files window or search everywhere (Double Shift). We can use ⌘+E to explore recent files instead.
Auto scroll to source
When we select a file, we want to explore the file content, other than just the file name. If we want to see the source, we have to double click the file in project window, by default. While Idea provides us a feature that when we select a file, Idea will open the source automatically: In the project window, right top of the window, click the config icon, check the "scroll to source" in the dropdown list.
Create directory or file effectivelly
If I want to create a nested directory or package, I will select the parent directory and press
, then input the directory name, before. There’s more effective way: Just input the relative directory path, Idea will create the sub directory for us, if it doesn’t exist.We can create file or directory through the navigation bar.
Search file or class by search
Double shift(press shift double times) is our friend, it pops up a search window which we can search file, class. It will list the more recent used files at the file lists.
Scratch file feature
It is a very common scenario that we want test a piece of code outside of the project context. We can press ⌘+⇧+N to create a scratch file which will be removed after we finish test. See more details, please visit
Shrink Selection:
Increase selection: ⌥ + ↑ Shrink selection: ⌥ + ↓
Move code block
move code block up: ⌥ + ⇧ + ↑ move code block down: ⌥ + ⇧ + ↓
Rename (Refectory)
Shift + F6
Auto comple
Please follow both steps:
- Enable Automake from the compiler Press: ctrl + shift + A (For Mac ⌘ + shift + A) Type: make project automatically Hit: Enter Enable Make Project automatically feature
- Enable Automake when the application is running Press: ctrl + shift + A (For Mac ⌘ + shift + A) Type: Registry Find the key and enable it or click the checkbox next to it
Auto wrap code
When editing code:
File → Editor → Code Style → Java → Wrappings And Brackets
Change: Wrap On Typing → true
- When viewing code:
Insert Language Template
Navigation Bar
Command + ↑