idea popular plugins

基本lombok pluginGenerateSerialVersionUID Adds a new action 'SerialVersionUID' in the generate menu (alt + ins). The action adds an serialVersionUID field in the current class or updates it if it already exists, and assigns it the same value the standard 'serialver' JDK tool would return. The action is only visible when IDEA is not rebuilding its indexes, the class is serializable and either no serialVersionUID field exists or its value is different from the one the 'serialver' tool would return. 效率篇Jrebel for IDEA JRebel is a productivity tool that allows developers to reload code changes instantly. save actions Supports configurable, Eclipse like, save actions, including "optimize imports", "reformat code", "rearrange code", "compile file" and some quick fixes for Java like "add / remove 'this' qualifier", etc. The plugin executes the configured actions when the file is synchronised (or saved) on disk. ace-jump AceJump allows you to quickly navigate the caret to any position visible in the editor. 代码质量checkstyleFind bugs The FindBugs plugin for IntelliJ IDEA. SonarLint SonarLint is an

idea productive tips

This article is wroten according to a youtube video: We use Idea programming everyday. How can we use it effectively, now let’s reading it below: Close the tab list of IDE Preferences → Editor → Editor Tabs; Change Tab Placement from default Top to None. Tab is annoying when many files are opened. It’s hard to find file when opening to many files, which it’s inevitable. Use recent files window or search everywhere (Double Shift). We can use ⌘+E to explore recent files instead. Auto scroll to source When we select a file, we want to explore the file content, other than just the file name. If we want to see the source, we have to double click the file in project window, by default. While Idea provides us a feature that when we select a file, Idea will open the source automatically: In the project window, right top of the window, click the config icon, check the "scroll to source" in the dropdown list. Create directory or file effectivelly If I want to create a nested directory or package, I will select the parent directory and press ⌘+N, then input the directory name, before. There’s more effective way: Just input the relative directory path, Idea will create the sub directory for us, if it doesn’t exist.

那些好用的工具之 Tmux 篇

工欲善其事,必先利其器。突然来了兴致,想利用一下睡觉前的时间,整理一下自己用过的,感觉很棒的命令行工具,作为一个系列。其中有的工具会比较复杂,有的会比较简单。复杂的,多写一些。简单的,拼盘拼成一篇。 今天的主题是 Tmux。 一. Tmux 是什么?Tmux 是一个终端复用工具。它可以允许在一个窗口创建、访问以及控制的多个终端。 二. Tmux 解决了什么问题?Alice SSH 登录到远程机器,对机器进行维护。她要跑一个任务耗时很久

Enable reload chagned java and template files In IntelliJ

最近在学习 Spring Boot 的时候发现真心不如 Ruby on Rails 爽,其中一点是:RoR 在 开发模式下默认可以自动 reload 相关路径下的文件: $ bin/rails r 'puts ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoload_paths' .../app/assets .../app/controllers .../app/helpers .../app/mailers .../app/models .../app/controllers/concerns .../app/models/concerns .../test/mailers/previews 在 `app/views`下的文件在修改后也会立即产生效果。 但是在 Java 世界里,就没有全家桶了。开始的时候很不习惯,需要各种重启,每次重启8-10秒,几乎时时刻刻在和重启打交道。 还好在 Java 世界里是有解决方法的。 *.javajava 文件可以使用 spring-boot-devtools,但是,但是,


前面我们简要介绍了Minitest的运行原理。知其然而知其所以然,如果了解了 别人好的代码是如何设计的,对于自己编码技术的提升会有促进作用。 好了,我们接下来继续了解如何使用Minitest测试我们的类、模块、model及钩子、控制器和试图。 后面还会涉及mock和使用种子数据、定制minitest等内容。 本文主要讲如何测试我们写的类。 Ruby是一种面向对象语言非常高的语言,因为即使像数字、纯字符串等都